Market Harborough Choral Society
Founded 1967
Come and Join Us!
Market Harborough Choral Society is a choir of some 60 members and always looking to welcome new members for all sections, but we are particularly keen to have interest from Tenors and Basses. If you would like to join us or have any questions, please contact us so that we can welcome you and have music available. Or you can simply come along to one of our rehearsals to get a feel for the choir.
We do not hold auditions; our only requirements are that you should be able to sing in tune, hold a note, attend regular rehearsals and practise in your own time. The ability to read music would be an advantage.
There is an annual subscription, currently £160, which can be paid in 10 instalments of £16. There is a pro-rata subscription for anyone joining later in the season.
Rehearsals are on Tuesdays mainly during term time from September to June. They start promptly at 7.30pm and finish at 9.30 pm. There is a short break for a chat and any announcements.
Our rehearsal venue is: The Methodist Church, Northampton Road, Market Harborough, LE16 9HE.
Prospective members are always invited to "try before you buy". You can attend up to four rehearsals before deciding. Excluding any deposits for music hire and the loan of a concert folder, the annual subscription covers all costs. The majority of members use music hired by the Society, although some choose to buy their own copies.
We are a very welcoming choir performing a wide range of choral works, so come and give us a try.
Contact Us for more details.